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Author & Speaker
Hey! I'm Krystal!
I am a wife to the coolest rock star drummer you will ever meet.
We brought home the cutest little Caribbean boy to love on for the rest of his days in 2015.
We had our very own Nashville Babe in February of 2017 (Nashville natives are like unicorns- rare- but we have our own now!)
Then in 2019 we brought home a second Nashville Babe.
All boys by the way. #mamastired
I love to travel and will go anywhere to seek new experiences.
I paint my nails more often than is necessary because I love ALL the colors.
I could read a book in the sun while listening to the waves of the ocean every single day of my life and never grow tired of it.

Table of Content: Krystal Ribble, Author of The Church's Orphans, talks with John Hilley (EBPC)
Interview with Hope Today: Finding Faith While You Wait
#179 - How to Stay in a Posture of Faith While You're Waiting with Krystal Ribble
Most importantly, I am a lover of all things that lift up the broken people and places of this world. I long to see the church love it’s people well and I seek to show people the place carved out in God’s Kingdom just for them.
Whether you read one of my books or invite me to speak, I cannot wait to spend time with you.
Wishing You God’s Grace & Paulette’s Prayers,
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